This is at Siesta Beach. Seista Beach is rated as the #2 beach in the world. The sand is made from granite that moved during an ice age from Canada. It doesn't get hot.
The young fellow with the tiedyed shirt and baseball cap is David.
The fifty or so drummers draw a circle in the sand. They sit or stand just outside the circle and dancers and children with hula hoops dance in the circle.
This guy apparently is the leader, but anyone with a drum can join in each Sunday night . I didn't get a picture of his wife. She dressed as a belly dancer and looked like a hippy from years gone by, but I heard she is a medical doctor.
This is David's mother, Norma, She and her husband live full time in the park I am in. She is Peurto Rician.( I know that's not spelled right). Her husband is white. The MD bellydancer passed around the hybiscus she has in her hair. I'm trying to freeze dry mine
We stayed for three hours and then left before the crowd. Police officers on horses patrolled the area. The whole evening was very magical, but the beat is still in my head.