Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sore toe

The other day I was washing the dishes and I dropped a heavy pot cover on my toe....  It bled like crazy and Billy patched me up.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Going Home

April 12, 2012,
Next week we are going home.   A little early, but homeward bound we are.

This has been a good winter, and I have the tan to prove it,  finally.

I have had some insights.  This is one of them...


There are two reasons for rules.
1.  It defines and controls a culture.
2. Some people have no common sense and need rules to tell them what to do in every situation.

Being creative is a force that is hard to control.   It takes over your life and feeds like an addition.  If you let others rule you, then you will lose your creativity and become despondent... So you have to rely on your common sense to guide you in all thngs and let other people talk about you however they feel comfortable.  Feeding your creativitity will lift your ego and self esteem even if it is not accepted by the masses.

That's my two cents for today/\.