Wednesday, April 20, 2011


This isn't a great picture of me, but I thought you would like to see that I managed to get a wetsuit on.  The first time I put it on I had it on backwards and had to peel it off again and start over. Meanwhile 12 other people were sitting on the boat waiting for me as I was late.  It was a two hour drive from Bradenton and the dive started at 10:30 am. Maybe that's why  look so tired...<G> This was the last picture on a water proof disposible camera.  That's why the extra light

So here we are.  I think this is the baby. Hard to tell when the other one isn't in the picture too.  It looks like they were eating the algae on the bottom, but the guide said they move it around to find the grass and eat that.  They have no natural enemies so had no fear of us, but did get annoyed with all the attention and swam off to another spot after awhile.  I tried to pet them, maybe that's why they swam off, not lap pets.

This is one of the canals we drove up. You can see a house at the back.  Very poor people living in a 3000 sq ft house. I feel sorry for them. They have to look at this green water all day and of course the sun shines everyday so there is no variation in the weather.  I don't know how they can stand it.

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